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Statement of Professional Development

       Along the journey of my first year doctoral study in UGA LDT program, I have been taking advantage of various opportunities to explore the field of instructional design and educational technology. In the meantime, it is also the discovery journey to better understand my future direction in research. I am more sure now than before that I would like to apply instructional design theories, approaches and cutting-edge technology, such as mobile technology and machine learning to specific learning contexts. After graduation, I would like to seek the opportunities to be a faculty member to continue rigorous research, thus to advance understanding of the learning process and the design of learning environment, to contribute to the knowledge base of instructional design and educational technology, and to make an impact on education and the society.

Publication during Doctoral Study 

        Zhai, X., Haudek, K., Shi, L., Nehm, R., Urban-Lurain, M. (2020). From substitution to redefinition: A framework of machine learning-based science assessment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 1-30. ​​


       Zhai, X., Shi, L. (2020). Understanding how the perceived usefulness of mobile technology impacts physics learning achievement: A pedagogical perspective. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 1-15. 


       Zhai, X., Shi, L., Nehm, R. (2020). A Meta-Analysis of Machine Learning-based Science Assessments: Factors Impacting Machine-Human Score Agreements. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 


        Shi, L., Kopcha, T.J., (Under preparation). How does pedagogy role moderator mobile learning effects on student science achievement: a meta-analysis.



       2020     Journal of Science Education and Technology​



       EDIT 2000 Teaching with Technology - Intern


​Professional development Opportunities 

1. UGA Writing Center Workshops

​        Being a graduate student, I have to communicate well with peers and scholars through academic writing. Besides I consult writing center to edit my work,  I also attended their Back to Basic workshop in the Fall semester of 2020. 

​       October 7 - Writing Basics: Building better paragraph

       October 21 - Writing for Clarity

       October 27 - Writing the Literature Review: Getting Started

​       November 6 - Writing the Literature Review: Finding and Organizing Sources


2. Machine Learning Online Course

       During the Fall semester of 2020, I took an online data science and machine learning course, offered by HarvardX, an online learning initiative of Harvard University.

      During the Spring semester of 2021,  I am taking a series of Machine learning online courses.


3. Spring into Research Workshop

       In the March of 2021, UGA Libraries hosted Spring into Research, a series of online sessions related to Library services and resources. I took several sessions to build my strong ability in data analysis and data visualization.

       March 11 - Data Visualization 

       March 17 - Create a Map with QGIS

​       March 19 - Create a basic Webmap with QGIS, the QGIS Web Plugin


4. Linux Cluster Training 

       The Georgia Advanced Computing Resource Center (GACRC) at UGA regularly hosts training sessions on a number of subjects relevant to the use of the computational and storage resources. In March, I took two training about how to use Linux cluster to do data analysis work.  

       March 16 - Use Linux on Cluster

​       March 18 - Using Sapelo2 Cluster





©2021 by Lehong Shi. Proudly show the learning journary

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